How to find the ideal company where you will enjoy working

Do you get tempted by every job offer that comes your way? Do you think you can’t make out if a company would suit you unless you start working there? Are you confused with the options available and cannot decide on anything?

Here are very important points that can help you get the most ideal company where your talents can flourish and your creativity can go beyond realms.

Research on company culture

A company’s culture reflects the goals, values, and beliefs of a company. Every company has a different culture depending on the results they are focusing on. Some are process-oriented while others emphasize more on creativity. Some are customer-centric while others believe that only if employees are kept happy, they can work towards achieving loyal and satisfied customers. You cannot judge a company’s culture. It all depends on what you are looking for in a company where you will be spending most of your productive hours. When you join a company, think about whether it has the culture that aligns with your interests to facilitate your long-term association with the company. If you are looking for a more relaxed and creative atmosphere, then MNC culture may not fit you whereas, for those who like to go by process, MNCs may be a perfect choice. Great company culture will get you the perfect atmosphere to nurture your talents and grow in your career. 

Live together, work together, grow together

Learn about company leaders and employees

A company’s vision is echoed in what its leadership thinks and believes. Before deciding to join any company, take time to do some research on what its leaders say and preach. LinkedIn gives a good platform for leaders to voice their opinion. Check the leaders’ tweets and blog posts to understand what the leaders encourage and what they look for in their employees. You can also check their career journey to understand what attributes they would encourage in their employees to help them shape their careers. Ideal leaders are great team mentors who nurture and grow their teams; they take the responsibility for any failure while keeping the team members at the front when it comes to celebrating any victory. Read employees’ posts to understand their leaders and the general ambiance of the company.

Dhiren Sanghadia, Director, INTECH

Check for stability and security

Now that COVID 19 has shown us how fickle life is, a stable job is what everyone is looking for. Millions lost their jobs owing to the pandemic and were thrown into a life of uncertainty. So, if you are looking for a job or planning for a job change, ensure that the new company offers you job stability and security. Research thoroughly about the company to see how long it has been in business, what are its past performances and achievements, how has the revenue and market position of the company increased in the last years, etc. During the interview, prepare your own set of questions to get a clear idea about how long the employees usually stay with the company, what measures are undertaken to keep the employees happy, and how best is the company prepared to fight unforeseen circumstances such as the pandemic. 

Evaluate the interview process

Interviews talk a lot about the company. Every interview is based on a company’s priorities and aims to assess a candidate based on that. Some interviews may be based on technical competency, meaning the company looks for skills more than anything and is more of a process-oriented type. Some companies pay equal importance to soft skill evaluation. Intech, one of the top IT companies in Gujarat, stresses on both technical and nontechnical competency. During an interview with Intech, you can expect questions like “What is the culture code deck of Intech that you appreciate the most and why?”, “Where do you see yourself in Intech after 2 years?”, “What attribute drew you to INTECH?” Such questions aim to test your awareness about the company and your willingness to join it. 

Check for opportunities to learn and grow

As your experience grows, it is important that your learning grows. You need to grow both in technical knowledge and job profile so that you can shoulder more responsibilities. Check the reviews of other employees to see their growth chart. You can also be candid about this in your interview and ask what the potential opportunities are if you join the company. A great work culture gives you opportunities to be trained not just in your area but in related areas too so that your talent can flourish on a full scale. It’s important that you discuss training opportunities prior to joining a company to ensure you will be growing and your potentials will be recognized. 

Look for companies that challenge you to show your skills outside your comfort zone. You need to be challenged to turn every opportunity into a win-win situation. If you continue to do what you have been doing all these years, there will be no growth and your learning will stagnate. 

To sum up

Look for a good company culture that suits your personality. You spend your most productive hours in the company that you work for and if you make the wrong decision, you will just be toiling too hard with no success or happiness on your side. Your life’s happiness heavily depends on whether you love the company you are working for as you carry the mood back home after your work hours. Also, satisfaction in the workplace can boost your happy hormones that will lead to a much more peaceful and balanced personal life.  

INTECH, a leading name among the top IT companies in Gujarat, gets you a workplace that will not just nurture your talent but also unleash your creativity. We get you the platform to push your boundaries and show your latent talents to the world. We bring out the entrepreneur in you and motivate you to create something that is unique. The company values each employee and offers adequate scope for the full-fledged growth of each individual. 

So, what are you waiting for? We are just a call away. Join us and see how you grow by leaps and bounds. Experience for yourself how it feels to have a lucrative career without sacrificing your family time.