Database Services

With poor data comes revenue loss, productivity loss, data loss, and growth loss.

It’s shocking to know that up to 50% of professionals spend their time searching for and preparing data. Are you ready to deal with so many hassles? If not, start hiring professional, end-to-end, and highly cost-optimized database services of INTECH.

Led by industry experts, the database services of INTECH are designed to address all the data handling and management bottlenecks from the beginning so that they don’t hinder your growth. We take the toll of data management so that you don’t have to.

Data Storage Simplified For Progressive Businesses

INTECH is your go-to solution when you need to own fully customized, dependable, and feature-rich database solutions for your enterprise. We have a laudable understanding of famous databases like Microsoft SQL Server, MongoDB, Oracle, and MySQL and can make them work according to your needs and wants.

Our database experts take charge of everything from database development to database migration services. The database solutions that they will craft for you will instantly adapt to your current ecosystems and start delivering results from the very moment they come into action. Hence, we promise you the maximum possible ROIs on your databases.

Services We Offer

The world of data and data management is more than collecting data and sorting them. 

Database management is a multi-dimensional aspect, and we back our clients in each of the steps that they take towards effective database management.

Database Development

INTECH can have its own fully optimized database solutions that are tailored to your specific needs. We can develop databases on a cloud of your choice, including capabilities that you need, control the access as per your organizational hierarchy, and even scale them as and when you require.

Data Migration Services

Already have a database but now happy with it? Start the database migration process without any downtime, data loss, or data duplication with the data migration services of INTECH. We can seamlessly move your key data from one platform to another without any trouble. While we do so, we keep the data secure, accessible, and consistent throughout the process.

Database Administration

Leaving your data administered is the biggest mistake any business can ever make. 

This is why leaders of industries hire INTECH to handle the day-to-day maintenance, monitoring, and management of their crucial databases. We will administer the data so that you can focus on your core business activities. Our database administrators ensure your databases are secure, reliable, and performing at their best.

Data Security and Compliance 

The world faced a $3.86 million revenue loss because of data breaches. INTECH ensures your key data is protected and out of harm’s way, as we provide top-notch security solutions Using security means like encryption, access control, 2FA, and many more, we will safeguard your databases against threats. We also help businesses to navigate the complex landscape of data compliance. 

Database Lifecycle Management 

As a part of our extensive database services, INTECH helps its customers to have full control over the database lifecycle. We have our eyes on database planning, development, testing, deployment, maintenance, and retirement. With this, we promise that your databases will remain efficient, secure, and compliant with organizational and regulatory requirements. 

Database Consulting 

While there are tons of options out there, businesses often fail to understand which database solution is best for them and end up investing in the wrong database. You don’t need to waste your investment as we can guide you on which database to get, how to deploy it, which data should be migrated, and other related aspects. We become the pathfinder for you so that you don’t get lost in the long and tiring journey of data management. 

Best of Databases At Your Disposal

INTECH and its database services stand out from the crowds as they are more than customary assistance. They are compressive solutions to all your database problems delivered by the doyens. Our customers are bound to experience instant ROI and notable growth. 

One-of-a-kind Expertisee

You will only find experienced and seasoned database experts who have proven tractor records. As they’re well-versed in the latest database technologies and best practices, they will create perfected database solutions that fit well and enhance the default capabilities. 

Unbreakable Security

Whenever data is concerned, its security holds the priority. At INTECH, we adopt the world’s best data security standards that protect your data and the valuable information they’re storing. We make sure that your data remains risk-free, error-free, and trouble-free from beginning to end.

Assured Results

Hundreds of businesses from different domains count on us for reliable and consistent performance of their databases. We know how to maintain uninterrupted business operations on your acquired database solutions. We promote functionalities by all means possible. 

Constant Growth 

Every business seeks growth, and it’s important to have databases that can grow with you. We design database solutions that adapt to your changing organizational needs and grow without any glitches. With our database services, stepping up on the ladder is possible without any disruptions. 

Prices That Suit Everyone’s Budget

We understand the worth of the right investment. This is why we offer all of our services and solutions at competitive prices so that you get the best value for your investment. For each penny you spend, you will get polished solutions delivered on time.

Start Your Database Journey Today

Ready to take your data management to the next level? You need INTECH’s help as we’re the pioneers of this domain. Let’s sit together to discuss your database needs.