Improved Employee Engagement with a Centralized Communication Portal

Customer Profile

The client is a real estate magnate operating in Dubai, developing a host of luxurious residential properties. In addition to their construction activities, Nakheel Properties also deals in rental properties, commercial space development, and new experiences. The company represents a unique blend of picturesque properties, technical advancements, and superior comfort.

  • Services: Enterprise Application Integration
  • Products/Tech Stack: ASP.NET, Core MVC, JavaScript, JQuery
  • Industry: Real Estate

Business Need/Challenge

To manage the entire consortium of properties under the umbrella of Nakheel Properties, the client faced challenges in maintaining an efficient and accessible system for employee engagement.

  • The employees faced issues staying updated on the tasks, company news, and benefits.
  • The scattered information, coupled with a lack of engagement and appreciation, led to chaos.
  • The lack of streamlined communication and information dissemination created an environment of confusion.

Solutions and Approach

The client sought to improve the employee experience by consolidating essential information exchange and fostering a more engaged workforce. To help the client achieve their goal, the INTECH team designed and developed a user-centric portal. The centralized communication hub helped with the following:

  • One-Stop Portal: A central portal for employees to consolidate their tasks, news benefits, and other crucial information into a single and accessible platform. This alleviated the employees from using disparate systems to save time and boost overall efficiency.

  • Seamless Employee Experience: Built on AST.NET Core MVC working on a microservices architecture, the engagement portal has intuitive navigation.

  • Real-Time Integration: Integration with tools like Oracle, Yardi, and Workflow Task Management systems, the portal helps unlock real-time updates and tasks. The integrated view facilitates a holistic understanding of their tasks, increasing control over their activities and empowering them to take accountability for their actions.

To build a robust employee engagement portal, the INTECH team utilized several top-notch technologies after assuring their compatibility with each other and the ease of scalability.

  • ASP.NET Core MVC: It’s an industry standard framework used to build a solid foundation for the solution. This empowers us to create a scalable and maintainable solution.

  • Redis Server: The im-memory data storage is used as a caching layer, which has significantly improved portal performance.

  • SQL Server: It guarantees a secure storage of all the data exchanged through the portal while facilitating an efficient data retrieval system.

  • IIS: Internet Information Services plays a critical role in hosting and managing the central portal, ensuring smooth operations and a reliable service.

  • JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS: This is a popular UI toolkit we have used to build user-friendly and appealing interfaces.

Business Benefits Achieved/Results

The centralized communication portal proved to be a strategic investment by the client that delivered tangible benefits to improve the company’s bottom line.

  • Better Employee Engagement: A better informed and engaged workforce can record higher productivity as everyone can access their tasks and get the latest news promptly.

  • Improved Employee Retention: Several studies have proven that engaged employees are less likely to leave their jobs. Hence, by building a portal, our client demonstrated their commitment to retaining their employees, resulting in reduced employee turnover costs.

  • Higher Operational Efficiency: Easy access to tasks and information helps employees manage their workload more efficiently, reducing the time they otherwise spend on gathering information to solve problems and make decisions.

  • Data-Driven Decision Making: A well-planned portal equips the managers and employees with the data they need to make accurate decisions. This means they can better allocate the resources and stay connected with their projects.

  • Better Brand Image: A modern and user-friendly employee engagement portal demonstrates our client’s commitment to innovation and employee well-being. Using this image, companies can attract better talent in a competitive market.

What Led the Client to Choose INTECH?

The client was looking for a technical consultant and a team to understand their dynamic needs. The unique challenges facing the client demanded a partner who can innovate a solution that helps them address the existing and future challenges. Having worked with several similar businesses, the client was impressed with our range of services and capability to build a bespoke solution for their needs.

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