24/7 Support Services

Project Description:

Client is a leading Emirati multinational logistics company based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. With a focus on cargo logistics, port terminal operations, maritime services, and free trade zones, Client has become a global giant in the industry. Established in 2005 through the merger of Dubai Ports Authority and Dubai Ports International, Client serves over 7,900 customers from 140 countries. The company handles a staggering 92 million containers, brought in by more than 80,000 vessels annually, accounting for approximately 10% of global container traffic. Client operates 172 marine and inland terminals in over 51 countries, marking its presence on a global scale.

Problem Statement:

Client faced several critical challenges that needed immediate attention:

  • Expanding Product: The client aimed to extend their product to multiple terminals but lacked the necessary support team to make this expansion seamless.
  • Workload Reduction: There was a pressing need to reduce the workloads of the L3 support and development teams so they could allocate their resources more efficiently to crucial product and business development tasks.
  • Enhancing Collaboration: Strengthening collaboration between the existing L1 and L3 support teams was essential for optimizing product support management.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Client aimed to enhance customer support services to elevate customer satisfaction levels.
  • Scalability: To meet the growing demands of product development, Client required a support team that was not only fast but also flexible and scalable.

Description of Solution:

INTECH stepped in to provide Client with a comprehensive solution that addressed their challenges effectively. We introduced L1/L2 Support and Maintenance services, which included:

  • Monitoring and Alerts Processing: Keeping a vigilant eye on the systems and handling alerts efficiently.
  • Incidents and Bugs Fixing: Swiftly addressing any issues or bugs that cropped up.
  • Standard Changes Implementation: Implementing standard changes without requiring extensive coding.
  • RFC Analysis and Estimation: Analyzing and estimating Request for Change (RFC) requests.
  • RFI Processing: Efficiently handling Request for Information (RFI) inquiries.
  • Reporting Services: Providing valuable reporting services.

Additionally, we delivered L2 services, such as:

  • Release Deployments: Managing both production and test release deployments.
  • Smoke Tests: Conducting smoke tests after deployments to ensure everything was functioning smoothly.
  • Environment and Instance Documentation Update: Keeping documentation up to date for environments and instances.
  • Support Processes Improvement: Continuously improving support processes to enhance efficiency.
  • Support Services at Application, Infrastructure, and DB Levels: Offering comprehensive support services across various levels of the system.

Tools and Technologies Used:

INTECH leveraged a range of tools and technologies to deliver these services, including:

  1. Java
  2. Microsoft .Net
  3. Oracle
  4. SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services)
  5. Microsoft Windows Server
  6. Skype
  7. Microsoft Teams
  8. Redmine

Business Benefits:

Thanks to the implemented services, Client enjoyed a multitude of benefits:

  • Faster Development: Client experienced faster development and improved delivery of new features, helping them stay ahead in a competitive market.
  • Enhanced Quality: The quality and value of support services for end-users were significantly improved, leading to higher customer satisfaction.
  • Collaboration: Collaboration between L1, L2, and L3 support levels was strengthened, resulting in more efficient support management.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Client achieved increased customer satisfaction due to a proactive approach to support, ensuring that customer needs were met promptly.
  • Scalability: With a flexible and adaptable support team, Client could scale its operations according to the growing demands of product development.
  • Continuous Improvement: The support services provided by INTECH were continually improved, ensuring that Client always received the best possible support.

In conclusion, INTECH played a pivotal role in helping the client overcome its challenges and achieve significant business benefits. With a tailored solution, a proactive approach to support, and the right mix of technologies, client is now better positioned to continue its global dominance in the logistics industry.