An Advanced Customer Management Portal to Streamline Amenity Booking and Maintenance Services

Customer Profile

The client is a large-scale real estate developer and the creator of luxurious experiences operating in Dubai. In addition to developing unique properties, the client also wants to deliver exceptional experiences to the residents and build communities.

  • Services: Custom Application Development
  • Products/Tech Stack: Flutter, Dart
  • Industry: Real Estate

Business Challenges/Needs

District One (D1) is one of the client’s many communities. The residents and stakeholders connected with D1 faced issues with managing amenities.

  • Inefficient Amenity Booking System: The manual amenity booking system is inefficient as it involves calling or sending emails. Hence, this led to issues with booking the required amenities and slots. Plus, it’s a time-consuming process and leads to booking conflicts.

  • Unorganized Request Management: Manual booking request handling causes delays and difficulty in tracking. This also meant a lack of transparency for the residents and stakeholders.

  • Inefficient Communication: Without a centralized system, everyone faced issues in accessing information and sharing details of the amenities and maintenance tasks.

Due to these challenges, the D1 Community was smudged with resident dissatisfaction and operational inefficiencies. Moreover, it was becoming progressively difficult to maintain a harmonious environment within the community.

Solution and Approach

A detailed discussion of the challenges faced by the D1 community led us to identify the solutions required to enhance the user experience and get results.

  • Centralized Platform: We ideated to build a single point of access for the D1 community to manage all their community needs. This platform also included a streamlined booking system offering a user-friendly method for amenity reservations.

  • Efficient Maintenance Management: A system is required for submitting, tracking, and resolving maintenance requests. This also means we need to build a clear communication channel to share clear community guidelines and policies for harmonious operations.

INTECH adopted a user-centric approach to build the desired solution after addressing the key resident pain points and their expectations of an impressive user experience.

To deliver up to the client’s expectations, we used the following technologies;

  • Flutter: With Flutter, we created a cross-platform application with a single codebase but native-like rendering for iOS and Android devices. Developing with Flutter allowed us to deliver the required application quickly, facilitating a quick disbursal of the services.

  • Dart: Dart is an object-oriented programming, ahead-of-time programming language. Using Dart, the INTECH team was able to deliver an efficient application.

The Flutter-Dart duo allowed us to deliver a user-centric application customized to help the D1 community with amenity bookings, maintenance services, and information gathering.

Business Benefits Achieved/Results

The D1 application, built with the purpose of enhancing the user experience, was successful in its venture as the client was able to achieve the following benefits.

  • Effortless Booking: Residents can now instantly secure the desired slots for the services required through the application. This means no need to make calls or send emails, improving the user experience.

  • Streamlined Maintenance: The residents can ask for and submit detailed reports of the maintenance services required, along with photos. This helps the client prioritize the maintenance requests according to their impact on the establishments and their residents.

  • Real-Time Task Tracking: Once booked, the residents can track the progress of their maintenance requests within the application. This means better transparency and peace of mind for everyone.

  • Simplified Policy Compliance: With the establishment-related policies readily available, the residents can comfortably understand the rules of engagement and amenity utilization.

What Led the Client to Choose INTECH?

The client was troubled by the resident complaints and the inefficiency of managing the usage of amenities and maintenance services. The INTECH was able to identify their challenges and the essence of time in which they had to deliver the solution. Having worked with similar businesses in the past the client was impressed with our expertise in delivering the required solutions.

Do you also need a dedicated community management application?