Oracle DBA

companies embed efficient DBA services to manage and monitor their Oracle infrastructure. Oracle Database Services also consists of security patch updates. Performance tuning is an important aspect of Oracle Database. Helping organisations migrate their on-premise data to the cloud with Oracle Data Warehousing solutions.

Welcome to INTECH Oracle Database Services!

At INTECH, we offer comprehensive Oracle Database Administration (DBA) services to help companies embed efficient DBA services to manage and monitor their Oracle infrastructure. Our Oracle DBA services provide a wide range of services ranging from security patch updates and performance tuning to data warehousing solutions in the cloud. 

Security Patch

With INTECH Oracle Database Services, you can keep your Oracle database secure by keeping your system up to date with the latest security patches. Our certified Oracle DBA professionals can help you install the latest security patches with minimal downtime.


Performance tuning is an important aspect of Oracle Database. Our DBA experts can help you tune your database and query performance to ensure that your system is running optimally and efficiently. We offer a variety of services such as SQL tuning, index optimization, and more.

Data Warehousing

We understand that many organisations are looking to migrate their on-premise data to the cloud. INTECH has the experience and expertise to help you make the transition. Our Oracle Data Warehousing solutions can help you make the most of your data, while ensuring that it is secure and compliant with industry standards.
We understand the importance of having a reliable and secure Oracle database. Our certified Oracle DBA professionals can help you with all your Oracle database needs. Contact us today for more information on how INTECH Oracle Database Services can help you.