Bespoke Solutions for eCommerce Retail System and Enhancing Logistics

Customer Profile:

Client is a prominent food distributor headquartered in Florida, USA, operates in both B2B and B2C channels, offering a diverse range of food products. The company faced several operational challenges related to logistics and their existing e-commerce retail systems.

A comprehensive overhaul of the existing system is required to address the existing and forthcoming challenges, with an aim to streamline the operations and improve efficiency.

  • Services: eCommerce B2B/B2C portal & Enterprise Application Integration
  • Products/Tech Stack: Suite of eCommerce, RFC & IDOC Integration with third party applications
  • Integration of Distribution and Return Centers: Client integrated their distribution and return centers, facilitating faster and more accurate order fulfillment. This streamlined the logistics process and reduced fulfillment errors.
  • Industry: Supply Chain and Logistics

Business Need/ Challenge:

The client wants to have a cost-efficient and scalable solution, but this led to high operational costs and several inefficiencies, thwarting their progress. While the network was strong enough to integrate digital payments, the client lacked such a system, which limited their outreach.

The key business challenges faced are:

  • Disconnected logistics processes and a disjointed operational system is creating issues in distribution and order fulfilment. It slows down the delivery time and reduces the customer satisfaction levels.
  • The client has limited visibility into its own systems and operations. Segregated data collection and analysis creates a vacuum in decision making. As different departments use data at their own will, it affects information accuracy.

Solution & Approach

Addressing these challenges and the client’s requirements, we ideated and deployed a comprehensive solution leading to cost-savings and better operational efficiency.

  • Operational and Cost-Efficiency: While integrating the distribution channels and simplifying the package return process, we were able to expedite the order fulfilment rate with a higher accuracy.

    A quick order return and payment process system makes the customers confident while purchasing from the client, leading to better satisfaction and repeat purchases.

    Here SAP Hybris B2B and B2C Accelerator formed the core platform for order and inventory management. We used Core Java to customize the Hybris platform and streamline the order distribution process while the MVC architecture helped with efficient development and maintenance.

  • Multiple Payment Options and Integrations: To solve the payment problem, we integrated multiple third-party payment options in eCommerce stores. With this, the payment verification process increased the customer’s confidence in the supply chain.FedEx logistics partner integration increased the range of shipping methods facilitating multiple shipping options, accurate information, and geo tracking of the order, leading to a better customer experience. 

    Here again, SAP B2B and B2C Accelerator formed the core of the eCommerce solution. We used the Spring framework to manage dependencies and facilitate third-party systems integrations.

  • Real-Time Data Integration: As data flows seamlessly among different departments, everyone gets updates in real time and is able to use that information to create a better customer experience.By eliminating data silos, the logistics operations are completed smoothly, and internal processes like payment confirmation, inventory management, order fulfilment, delivery route optimization, etc., are streamlined, reducing friction and frustration.

    Remote Call Function (RFC) and Intermediate Document (IDOC) are used for real-time data exchange.

Business Benefits Achieved/Results

As soon as the new system began operating, Cheney Brothers benefitted on various fronts, including;

  1. Cost-Efficiency: Streamlining online order processing reduced operational costs, especially in logistics and eCommerce operations.

  2. Better Customer Experience: A faster checkout process and multiple payment options improved customer loyalty and increased repeat business.

  3. More Shipping Options: FedEx integration allowed Cheney Brothers to expand operations and complete multiple orders at one time while giving their customers a better way to receive their packages.

  4. Real-Time Data Integration: With data flowing into every department, decision-making is faster and more customer-centric. This has significantly improved customer experience and loyalty.

What Led Customers Choose INTECH?

There are several key USPs that attract customers to INTECH.

  • A fool-proof and planned migration strategy
  • 20 years of expertise in IT Industry
  • Precise platform migration assessment and viability
  • Re-design and process automation assistance
  • Adept and experienced developers
  • Timely updates to keep your systems and apps up to date
  • A well-optimized data collaboration strategy to show effective results.
  • Precise technology implementation enhancing the core digital operations efficiency.

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