How INTECH Increases Employee Engagement

Enhancing Employee Engagement at INTECH

At INTECH, a leader in IT and technology since 2003, we prioritize employee engagement as a cornerstone of our success. Our commitment to a positive work culture has earned us the prestigious Great Place to Work® certification. This recognition highlights our dedication to creating an exceptional employee experience.

INTECH employees participating in a House Call online meeting

Great Place to Work® Certification

The Great Place to Work® Certification is awarded based on a rigorous assessment of an organization’s Trust Index© and Culture Audit© attributes. Achieving this certification requires over 70% of employees to rate the workplace positively, reflecting our top-tier people practices grounded in employee experiences.

Supporting Our Employees Through Challenges

The COVID-19 pandemic presented significant challenges, but INTECH’s strong leadership and commitment to our employees helped maintain high levels of job satisfaction and engagement. Our approach during these uncertain times has set the stage for future leadership and employee relations.

Leadership Strategies to Boost Engagement

INTECH’s leadership employs several strategies to enhance employee engagement:

  • Flexible Work Environment: Providing opportunities for personal growth and development, leading to increased job satisfaction and engagement.

  • Transparent Communication: Building trust and strong relationships through clear communication about societal impact and company goals.

  • House Calls: Facilitating meaningful interactions and knowledge sharing through regular online meetings, boosting collaboration and innovation.

  • Optimized Communication Channels: Ensuring effective communication throughout the organization, supporting informed decision-making and proactive problem-solving.

  • Open Dialogue: Encouraging discussions about challenges without assigning blame, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Key Factors Affecting Employee Engagement

Several factors contribute to employee engagement and productivity, including:

  • Social Cohesion: Building strong relationships among team members.

  • Support from Supervisors: Ensuring employees feel supported and valued.

  • Information Sharing: Promoting transparency and sharing company updates.

  • Common Goals: Aligning employees with company objectives.

  • Effective Communication: Maintaining clear channels between departments.

  • Trust: Ensuring employees feel heard and appreciated.

Focused Practices for Engagement

INTECH’s management has implemented several practices to foster engagement:

  • Clear Communication: Senior leaders share the company’s vision transparently.

  • Team Alignment: Employees are informed about company goals and progress.

  • Recognition: Acknowledging hard work and achievements on company-wide platforms.

  • Flexibility and Autonomy: Offering flexible schedules and increased responsibility.

  • Educational Support: Providing reimbursement for relevant educational programs.

  • Career Growth: Identifying top performers for promotions and additional responsibilities.

  • Celebrations: Using social media to recognize birthdays and special occasions.

  • Training and Mentoring: Offering leadership programs and personalized sessions.

  • Regular Team Meetings: Holding bi-weekly or monthly meetings to strengthen team connections.


Investing in employee engagement initiatives has proven beneficial for INTECH, leading to higher retention rates, reduced churn, increased productivity, and overall business growth. Our commitment to creating a supportive and engaging work environment is central to our success and ongoing innovation.